Deploying fudopv without compiling source files

Deprecated since version 5.4

Fudo Enterprise 5.4 is the last version supporting Application to Application Password Manager. The AAPM will be replaced by the functionality of APIv2 in the next release.

To use fudopv without compiling source files, proceed as follows.

  1. Download and install Python 3.x environment.


It is advised to run fudopv in virtual environment.

  1. Execute pip install virtualenv requests or easy_install virtualenv requests command to install virtual environment.
  2. In the fudopv/ execute virtualenv deps command.
  3. Add fudopv to your python search path. Execute export PYTHONPATH=~/fudopv where "~/fudopv" is the path where you have unpacked the utility and run virtualenv/easy_install in.
  4. Execute python -m fudopv, to start fudopv.

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