Compiling fudopv tool

Deprecated since version 5.4

Fudo Enterprise 5.4 is the last version supporting Application to Application Password Manager. The AAPM will be replaced by the functionality of APIv2 in the next release.

The result of this procedure is fudopv application with Python interpreter included.


For information on deploying fudopv without compiling sources files, refer to the Deploying fudopv without compiling source files topic.



Download and install Python 3.x environment:


Make sure to select the option to add python.exe to the execution path.


Install Python environment according to the guide provided by the manufacturer.

Exemplary configuration:

./configure \
  --prefix=/opt/python-3.6 \
  --with-ensurepip=install \
  --disable-optimizations \


  • --disable-optimizations - optimizations may result in build failures,
  • --with-ensurepip=install - installs tools for managing Python’s packages,
  • --enable-shared - one of the fudopv's dependencies requires the Python interpreter .so library.

Virtual environment

Compiling the package requires the virtualenv module.

  1. Execute pip install virtualenv requests or easy_install virtualenv requests command.
  2. In the fudopv/ execute the virtualenv deps command.

The environment required for building fudopv will be created in the deps/ folder.


Run the deps\Scripts\Activate command to activate the environment.


In case of the interpreter build from the source code you can use the included pip and easy_install tools. You must also set the path to the shared libraries and run the virtualenv with the -p option:

/opt/python-3.6/bin/pip install virtualenv requests
/opt/python-3.6/bin/virtualenv -p /opt/python-3.6/bin/python deps

To activate the environment, run the source deps/bin/activate command.

Fetching dependencies

In active virtual environment run the pip install -r requirements.txt to install fudopv dependencies. Dependencies are installed in the deps/


If the ImportError: No module named _markerlib problem occurs, execute pip install --upgrade distribute and install dependencies once again.


Download and install pywin32:


Make sure to select the installer for Python 3.x.

After activating the virtualenv environment, execute the following command with the path to the pywin32:

easy_install path\to\pywin32


Linux operating system does not require taking any additional actions.

Package creation script

Execute the python command, which will create package in the fudopv folder.


The PyInstaller does not support package creation on a privileged account. If the ERROR: You are running PyInstaller as user root. This is not supported. error occurs, you can change the check_not_running_as_root() function in the ./deps/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PyInstaller/utils/ so that it return the result without checking anything.

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