Fudo Enterprise 5.4 - API Documentation


Discover the latest version of Fudo Enterprise 5.4 API, featuring a range of exciting updates and enhancements, including:

  • New API overview section providing detailed information about Fudo Enterprise Application Programming Interface design. Explore it now to gain a deeper understanding of our API.
  • New endpoints related to enhanced API v2: Discovery feature. Now you can use batch requests to assign onboarded and quarantined status to discovered accounts or servers.
  • Introduced in APIv2 healthcheck endpoint allows to check the overall health of Fudo Enterprise and verify its proper functioning.
  • The new status endpoint allows retrieving detailed information about the Fudo Enterprise status, including cluster status, CPU cores temperature, disk status, system load, device memory utilization, number of currently active sessions, and more.
  • The new endpoints related to external password repository management allow for creating, changing, deleting, and retrieving the information about existing external password repositories.
  • New API Key authentication method added.
  • Atomic - new functionality to enhance batch operations execution control and ensure that all batch requests must be fulfilled.

You can search for Fudo Enterprise API features by using the search bar located on your left or refer to the table of contents below.