This chapter contains an example of a basic WHEEL Wheel Fudo PAM PAM configuration, to monitor SSH access to a remote server. In this scenario, the user connects to the remote server over the SSH protocol and logs in to the WHEEL Wheel Fudo PAM PAM using an individual login and password combination (john_smith/john69). When establishing the connection with the remote server, WHEEL Wheel Fudo PAM PAM substitutes the login and the password with the previously defined values: root/password (authentication modes are described in the User authentication modes section).



Description below assumes that the system has been already initiated. The initiation procedure is described in the System initiation topic.



Adding a server

  1. Select Management > Servers.
  2. Click Add.
  1. Provide essential configuration parameters:
Parameter Value
Name test_server
Blocked fail
Protocol SSH
Description Test server
Granted users fail
Destination host  
Port 22
  1. Click i to download the target server’s pulic key.
  1. Click i to generate the proxy server’s private key or i to upload the .PEM file private key definition.


For security reasons the form displays server’s public key derived from the generated or uploaded private key.

  1. Click Save.

Adding a user

  1. Select Management > Users.
  2. Click Add.
  1. Provide essential user information:
Parameter Value
Login john_smith
Blocked fail
Account validity Indefinite
Role user
Preferred language English
Safes default settings
Full name John Smith
Organization fail
Phone fail
AD Domain fail
LDAP Base fail
Granted users fail
Type Password
Password john11
Repeat password john11
  1. Click Save.

Adding a listener

  1. Select Management > Listeners.
  2. Click Add.
  1. Provide essential configuration parameters:
Parameter Value
Name ssh_listener
Blocked fail
Mode proxy
Local address
Port 10050
  1. Click i to generate the proxy server’s private key or i to upload the .PEM file private key definition.


For security reasons the form displays server’s public key derived from the generated or uploaded private key.

  1. Click Save.

Adding an account

  1. Select Management > Accounts.
  2. Click Add.
  1. Provide essential configuration parameters:
Parameter Value
Name server_account
Account type Forward
Session recording complete
OCR sessions ok
Delete session data after 61 days
Login administrator
Granted users fail
Password change policy  
Replace secret ok
  1. Click i to generate the proxy server’s private key or i to upload the .PEM file private key definition.


For security reasons the form displays server’s public key derived from the generated or uploaded private key.

  1. Click Save.

Defining a safe

  1. Select Management > Safes.
  2. Click Add.
  1. Provide essential configuration parameters:
Parameter Value
Name the_safe
Notifications fail
Ask for login reason fail
Policies fail
Protocol functionality  
RDP fail
SSH ok
VNC fail
Objects relations  
Users john_smith
Accounts server_account
Listeners ssh_listener
  1. Click Save.

Establishing connection

At this point john_smith can connect to the target host over the SSH protocol.




Note that the fingerprint displayed when connecting to the target host for the first time is the same as was generated during server configuration.

After accepting the connection, user will be asked for the password. After successful authentication WHEEL Wheel Fudo PAM PAM starts recording user’s activities.

Viewing user session

  1. Open a web browser and go to the web address.
  2. Enter the login and password to login to the WHEEL Wheel Fudo PAM PAM administration panel.
  1. Select Management > Sessions.
  2. Click Active.
  3. Find John Smith’s session and click i.

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