Password changer policy¶
Password changer policy defines specifics of how frequently the password should be changed and password complexity requirements.
Password changer policy can’t be created via API, but can be assigned to a particular Account.
Adding a password changer policy to account¶
Method | POST
Path | /api/system/accounts
Body | AccountModel
Possible Response
Status | 200 OK
Headers | Content-Type: Application/JSON
Body | AccountModel
Possible Response
Status | 400 BAD REQUEST
Headers | Content-Type: Application/JSON
Body | ValidationErrors
Possible Response
Status | 404 NOT FOUND
curl -k -X PUT -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
https://fudo.whl/api/system/accounts/755918023667220708?sessionid={{sessionid}} -d
"credentials": {
"method": "password",
"password_change_policy_id": "75594322023667220482"
"server_id": "755918764677220677",
"password_change_request": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"type": "regular",
"name": "TestAccount" }